What is MHCIE Agency Project? | Project by CEO, Cratonik | Chaitanya Shimpi

Medical History Cure and Income Tax Eyesigth Agency (MHCIE Agency)


MHCIE Idea is not implemented in India yet...

Medical History Cure and Income Tax Eyesight Agency is the project of Chaitanya Shimpi, Ravina Bachhav, Pooja Rasal, and Sanjana Desale the third-year computer diploma students. This is the web-based project implemented by them with respect to the scheme implemented by respected prime minister Narendra Modi.

This project encourages and supports Digital India Scheme and Income Tax Collection. We know that Digital India is one of the most important projects implemented by P.M. Narendra Modi in order to develop India in the Technical and Non-Technical field and rank India on the top in the world. 

As we know that, GST was included by P.M. Narendra Modi in order to development of India. But GST is not applicable for the medicines, farmers and army person. Because, it was said that, health care(medicines), Defense (Army), and Food (Farmer) should be at a low cost so that each Indian citizen can take the advantage of it. 

So, for this project, we will keep the Medical field in mind, where there are not any GST criteria in there. But as we know that Income Tax is collected from every individual, therefore, it becomes the prime responsibility of doctors to pay fair Income Tax, as there is no GST applied to the medicines. 

In today's condition, there is no parental or full control of doctors Income Tax Generation by government. In today's scenario, doctors have to maintain the registers where the fee receipt or the fee paid by the patient is noted in the register offline.  There is a chance of fraud in this situation.

For Example, there is a patient who has a disease, he will go Dr. X, and will have a checkup. As soon as check-up is done, Dr. X will give the fee receipt to him and will maintain the fee in the register. 

In the above condition, there are huge chances of fraud, where let's imagine, the patient paid Rs. 900, but there is a chance that Dr. X may put Rs. 700 / Rs. 800 in the register as it has no proper control over it. 

Hence to reduce this fraud, we have come up with this project which will help to reduce the fraud in Income Tax generation and collection from doctors. 

To know about the project idea, you can download our paper by clicking on:

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Watch out the MHCIE Agency Video Explanation by its developers.

Thank You,
CEO, Cratonik

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